
Molmolin B-W vol 1.0

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thundraforest's avatar

Literature Text

The molmolin black and white vol 1.0

the story starts in early times of mola the sunset sky kissed by a golden complection that fades to a dark merky black sky of red thunder i am standing on golden pass wondering how i got here a ruged gravle path eatch peble shon of gold sunlit sparkil and in this place all i could reember is iida my love dead by my side as we lay on the bottom of the icy cold river. i cry for you i said falling to my knees holding her bronze necklace i had given her just a week ago... cry as the sunlit sky fads to night the sparkiling looner bathing me in her light and her childrin sparkiling the sky i feel cold but not allone so walk up the clouds seans i get a grate felling of peace there i climb a tall whit stair case up to the top i see good gates ahead that lit up the sky like day i wonder closer...

i see a man reading a gold book inscribed with marking so mixed i could barrly tell what they were the man looked at me his eyes foged of light his golded hallo lit his hair to shin like fire and light up his white robe he holds out his hand and says to me welcome to hellies haven of thye sky domain of peace lain. shoked to find he knows my name i cosiusly go to shake his hand i feel as i do so feeling of love as i get my hand closer shacking i feel worm and welcomed he unlocks the towering gate with a gold key raped in his black emborderd sash pushes it open and i walk inside siting ther on a sofe bed of clouds that pillowed a minithril throne i saw a girl in her teen her long pale gold hair tied in aponytail with a white allmost blue ribbin her eyes bright terqois and her dress clear but sparkiling brightly in looners light she terns and looks at me... i stand still

she is crying as i see eatch tear drip down her cheak she glances to the side.. lain i ask a faver of you akara has tacken my sun sakaju captive the foul beast is garding them whith life and macks sinful thrats if i dare resqu please find my boy and bring him here tack as long as you wont as long as i see himagen she says softly your name i reply my name is agordia casia i am the heavens you stand on right know she explains so i am dead? yes... so were is the boy? i ask she stays quite for a second...he is down there here hand sweppes lightly of the clouds serface moving them i see she is ponting down at a dead land black of ashe and volcanic rock... before i know it i am down there and not comfterble at all

i feel so unwerlcome confused and futerated my mind is barlly clear this baren land is so hot and dri and smells of sout and gasaleen i go forword seeing ruains of sky scrapers and crushed cars and peramids that lay skaterd  on the craked red desert earth so scard i feel i go forword till i reatch i brokken down barn and inside a glow a white twinkle  i open the door and ther tied up in filthy vins a boy pur white his hair his eyes glow of pure light he is crying and tierd and hungry i wast no time to run over and untie him quikly i pick him up thean a large boon then thunk and a large dragonlike man strait laerge horn  ears torn and a main soked of blood a spear sharp chaind to the end of his tail only two claws on his feet and hands he is skinny and smells of rotting fleash he speacks...oh you lain i was exspecting you sooner i'm afraid sakaju in your arms is my priz allone and wish not to share... he is not a prize akara he is a child of lit blood and joy not a captive. i run throu past him and out the door i run forever arround the reacked looking for a black stome gate michie gates i shall climb over and out ..

at the top of the gats i gaze in horror a large moat of magma a thin wickaty bride acrros is the only whay i head down i shuffle along the side of the bridge once more to the golden path i see whan i off the bridge agordia she graspes sakaju from me she holds him tight and says thats she grabs a gold pin from her poked as well as two rings she walks up to me and said my heroe this will heart a bit she drives the pin throu th top of my ear the blood drips on my shoulder the pulls throu the gold rings there lain you are know an angle of hellies whith thous gold rings you ware on your ear is the symbol lukly akara didn't pin you a stub to the bottom of lead sutch trade mark means i'll never be able to let come whith me...
yung lain dies in a cara acednt he drowend in the river with his girl friend he finds himself in the world of the dread helping a godesses sun sakaju learn the way of liveing and keeping him safe as in retern he shale live agen and with the girl he lost...

a backround story...

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